2019 What NCAA Umpires Most Want - Top Trending Gear & Apparel

Feb 4th, 2019

We hit all 4 NCAA Umpire Meetings this year.

Based on what we learned In Phoenix, Orlando, Chicago and Pittsburgh from the hundreds who stopped by to talk with us in each city, this is what NCAA umpires revealed they want most this year.

NCAA Umpires Check Out Franklin MLB All-Pro Umpire Gloves

Franklin MLB Umpire Gloves

Franklin MLB Umpire Gloves

ColdMax Base Gloves -
All-Weather Pro Gloves -

NCAA umpires loved how these looked, felt and fit. They saw first-hand how the COLD MAX is only a base glove and how the ALL-WEATHER glove, the gray palms give better visibility when signaling partners. Thanks Kyle Engstrand for your recommendation for a 2X size (now available).

Majestic MLB Long Sleeve Umpire Shirt - Black with Charcoal Grey

The most frequent question NCAA umpires asked us was “when will the long sleeve Majestic be here?” They arrived January 21st.

 NCAA Umpires with All-Star Magnesium Umpire Mask

All-Star Magnesium Umpire Masks

All-Star Magnesium Umpire Masks

NCAA umpires were able to see up-close the frames’ built-in deflection angles and feel the hard plastic outer layer on these ultra-light, no-weld magnesium masks they saw on several MLB umpires last year.

Smitty Performance Poly Spandex Charcoal Grey Umpire Pants with EXPANDER WAISTBAND

Many NCAA umpires had requested an expander waistband pant for the poly spandex just after the fitted poly spandexes were launched. Smitty responded, and we were excited to show off the 3” expander waistband on the fabric NCAA umpires are already wearing.

Diamond MMA Quad-Strap Jock & Cup System

Diamond MMA Quad-Strap Jock & Cup System

The innovative quad-strap jock is perfect for keeping umpires covered and protected in their stance.

Wilson Premium Umpire Chest Protector Replacement Harness

Many NCAA umpires who have Wilson CPs told us they already have or are getting this new upgrade this year. The harness is easy to put on and keeps your CP snug and in position all game long.

New Balance Challenger Mock Neck Short Sleeve Compression Shirt

New Balance Challenger Mock Neck Short Sleeve Compression Shirt

We can’t wait to see this shirt on the field and on TV this year based on large interest and sales so far from NCAA umpires. Those who stopped by saw the strategic mesh panels and were impressed that this not an ordinary compression shirt.

Jim with NCAA Umpires in Chicago

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About the Author

Picture of Jim Kirk

President Jim Kirk

Jim is a leading expert, educator and author on umpire gear, safety & appearance. After playing baseball at Centre College, he worked as a high school umpire. He became involved in E-Commerce while working on an MBA in the early 2000s and bought Ump-Attire.com in 2006, He eventually led it to the leading umpire gear & attire retailer worldwide, a “Best Places to Work in Louisville” honor in 2020, 2021, 2024, and a National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) Preferred Vendor. He maintained a long-standing relationship with Minor League Baseball Umpire Development & Training Academy for 10 years. He serves as an adviser to UMPS CARE Charities, the charity of MLB umpires, served as a 2-term board of director from 2012-2018, and was named their 2015 Ambassador Award recipient. A supporter since the inception of the Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy, he was named to their Board of Directors in 2020.


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  • Can we get manufacturers to possibly make their logos a little smaller on items such as gloves? When it is cold out, does everyone need to know I use Franklin gloves - they would probably say yes, I say it is ridiculous looking. I'll just go to Walmart and pick up some plain black gloves.

    • Comment by Jim Kovac
    • Feb 12, 2019
    • Hey Jim, really appreciate your comment! Yes, making the logos smaller is certainly a reasonable recommendation. I will pass that along - no promises on the results (maybe an embossed black logo on black glove would be a good alternative). On the other, you are right, you can find gloves anywhere that provide benefit in cold weather. Our selection, we try to find the BEST mix that provides the maximum benefits for umpires specifically. And I know Franklin made these gloves with umpires in mind. WE LOVE THAT! We need more brands that look out for you guys. I hope you have a great season. Stay warm and let us know if we can do anything to make it better.

      • Comment by Jim Kirk
      • Feb 15, 2019
    • I'll add that I wish you get the opportunity to try these Franklin gloves on. They are super sweet. I wouldn't not steer you wrong. Order them, put them on and send them back on us if you don't agree. I will also add that the gray Franklin logo on the All-Purpose gloves is not a pronounced as that on the Cold Max gloves. Thanks again for your input!

      • Comment by Jim Kirk
      • Feb 15, 2019