NuttyBuddy Umpire Protective Cups, Jocks & Shorts
NuttyBuddy® Protective Cups are exclusive to us in the umpire retailer market. Choose the Flex Cup with comfortable edges along with NEW and IMPROVED Jock and Compression Shorts.
The patented Nutty Buddy Cups provide full protection from all directions, are anatomically shaped for natural testicle position and have an elongated tail for those inevitable bounces in the dirt.
The Cup, Jock and Shorts - when used together as a system - provides unprecedented comfort, mobility and protection for umpires. The Nutty Buddy Jock is designed to fit each Cup snugly in position. The Lock Core Compression Shorts hugs the body to provide a secure foundation for the Cup to move with you in and out of your stance. Learn how to wear them like a pro.
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