Smitty Tapered Poly Spandex Charcoal Grey Pleated Umpire Base Pants

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Official Review: Smitty Tapered Poly Spandex Umpire Base Pants
After a significant number of requests for a tapered base pant of its popular poly spandex umpire pants, Smitty delivered. These base pants are ultra-tapered and have a shorter rise for the fittest look in the market and on the field.
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Official Reviews
Gary C. Des Moines, WA |
March 21, 2025 Verified Purchase
I've been waiting 30+ years for base pants like these. They FIT like pants are supposed to fit. Look good. Looks professional. No more "parachute" pants on the bases.
Dennis D. Springfield, PA |
March 12, 2025 Verified Purchase
These pants are great. I do not like combo pants, so I use base and plate. No longer will you be on the bases and your giant leg openings blow in the wind and kick up when you run. These are great and they sit like regular pants.
Barron S. Valley View, TX |
March 2, 2025 Verified Purchase
Much more professional and comfortable, in my opinion. They look great.
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Smitty Tapered Umpire Base Pants Are Here!
After a significant number of requests for a tapered base pant of its popular poly spandex umpire pants, Smitty delivered. Available in pleated and flat-front, these pants are ultra-tapered and have a shorter rise for the fittest look in the market and on the field.