California (CIF) Umpire Shirt - Powder Blue

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Official Reviews
Garret Rancho Santa Margarita, CA |
March 22, 2025 Verified Purchase
This shirt is a 10 out of 10. The highest quality shirt Smitty makes. I have numerous baseball and softball shirts by Smitty, but this is their best shirt. Plus, this light blue shirt has a more vibrant blue color than their other powder blue shirts (it’s unclear why this is not the standard color for all their powder blue shirts. Also, the technology used for the CIF logo and flag is extraordinary. Simply put, a quality product.
Edward W. Bakersfield, CA |
April 19, 2024 Verified Purchase
Best price anywhere. Comfortable and stylish at the same time.
Michael N. Salinas, CA |
March 9, 2023 Verified Purchase
Awesome looking shirt. Quick turnaround on a special order.
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Ump Attire Major Sponsor of NASO Summit in California
We show up in full force in Riverside, California for the CIF and CBOA’s Officiate California Day and the NASO Summit.