Top 10 Holiday Gift Card Messages to Sports Officials That Melt Your Heart

Dec 23rd, 2016

You've seen the Subaru "Share the Love" commercials this Christmas. Our customers have been sharing the love, too, for the umpires and referees in their lives through gift cards.

When purchasing a gift card from us, you type a message that the recipient receives instantly by e-mail along with a gift card code. That code can be used immediately to purchase umpire and referee gear.

Some messages are funny, as in "Merry Christmas and a HO, HO, HO" and some are just a simple "Merry Christmas".

Here are 10 that might just melt your heart a little.

  1. Merry Christmas to the BEST Referee I know.
  2. Merry Christmas Dad I love you so much and I want you to have the best gear possible.
  3. Hope this helps you on your path to umping. Merry Christmas bro.
  4. Love from Mama.
  5. Thank you so much for your 112 games this year.
  6. We love you and wish you could be here for Christmas.
  7. I hope you're on your way to replacing your stuff. My pleasure to help a brother umpire out.
  8. Get yourself something that you need to upgrade your gear. I love you. Merry Christmas.
  9. Hey brother. Saying thank you for the umpire gear that you gave me. Much appreciated.
  10. Thanks for all you do for us during the baseball season.

PURCHASE A GIFT CARD: And Send a Message Instantly to Your Favorite Sports Official This Christmas.

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About the Author

Picture of Jim Kirk

President Jim Kirk

Jim is a leading expert, educator and author on umpire gear, safety & appearance. After playing baseball at Centre College, he worked as a high school umpire. He became involved in E-Commerce while working on an MBA in the early 2000s and bought in 2006, He eventually led it to the leading umpire gear & attire retailer worldwide, a “Best Places to Work in Louisville” honor in 2020, 2021, 2024, and a National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) Preferred Vendor. He maintained a long-standing relationship with Minor League Baseball Umpire Development & Training Academy for 10 years. He serves as an adviser to UMPS CARE Charities, the charity of MLB umpires, served as a 2-term board of director from 2012-2018, and was named their 2015 Ambassador Award recipient. A supporter since the inception of the Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy, he was named to their Board of Directors in 2020.


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